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T Levels

T Levels are an exciting new option in sixth form education that provide a recognized qualification tailored to industry needs and skills. It’s a great choice for students that want to learn practical skills relevant to certain jobs, regardless of whether they want to go on to study for a degree, take alternative further education or go straight into the workplace.

The Parents' Guide to T Levels

T Levels are a vocational alternative to A levels (because they focus on industry) and include practical study as well as classroom learning.


For a limited time, we are offering schools and colleges The Parents' Guide to T Levels to share with parents free of charge - whether by email, newsletter or as a download on their website!


Our specialist guide includes information on:

  • What's involved and where it might lead afterwards

  • The subject choices available as of 2022

  • What they’ll learn on the course

  • The qualifications needed to take them

  • The Transition Programme for those struggling to meet minimum entry requirements

  • The industry placement

  • A summary of alternative options if T Levels are not right for them

Click here to download (1.1MB)

The Parents' Guide to T-Levels 2022-2023.jpg

School licence membership:
,A school licence membership helps you improve parental engagement by letting you share any of our specialist guides and resources with your parents in any way you find useful – including via your website, intranet site, google drive and through email, newsletters or social media.

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