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Support Articles
Looking for a quick overview? Our articles are written with love and we update them regularly to make sure they contain the latest information. There’s some factsheets and guest publications too.
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The Parents' Guide to
2 min read
How to help your teen cope with university rejections
The UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service) application process can be a stressful and emotional time for teenagers and their...

The Parents' Guide to
3 min read
Getting a degree - is an apprenticeship or university the right choice for your child?
With the introduction of degree apprenticeships in 2015, apprenticeships now provide a viable alternative to university in gaining a full...

The Parents' Guide to
3 min read
Introducing apprenticeships: a great pathway to career success
Apprenticeships are a fantastic choice for many students, either straight after GCSE or after sixth form. They provide a way of getting...

The Parents' Guide to
6 min read
The Parents' Guide to meeting university costs: student finance explained and how to apply
With university fees at almost £10,000 per year plus living costs on top, the prospect of committing to three or four years of study can...

The Parents' Guide to
3 min read
Understanding university websites
University websites and their undergraduate course pages may look different when comparing side by side, but the information they relay...

The Parents' Guide to
4 min read
Options after school or college: helping your child decide
What your child chooses to do after sixth form (or college) is exciting but can be nerve-racking. There are lots of options available and...

The Parents' Guide to
6 min read
How to help your teen choose the right university
If your teen’s heart is set on going to university after sixth form, then choosing the right university will be one of the most important...

The Parents' Guide to
2 min read
The Ultimate University Shopping List - help your child know what to take with them
If your teen’s leaving home in the autumn, you’ll want to make sure they have everything they need, from comfy bedding to pots and pans....
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